KDI Delivers DP Simulators To MOL In Tokyo
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-27 09:09:09 点击量: 1693 来源:kongsbergdigital
康士伯数字公司(Kongsberg Digita即KDI)为商船三井旗下的动力定位培训中心(MOL DPTC)提供了全任务K-Sim型动力定位(Dynamic Positioning即DP)模拟器。该培训中心位于日本东京,是日本首家获得英国航海协会(NI)认证的DP培训中心,能够提供NI批准的培训课程。K-Sim DP模拟器(A类)将被用于NI计划下的DP Seatime Reduction培训课程。它集成了先进的物理引擎,不但能完成流体动力学建模,还能实现船只、对象和设备的交互,使训练更接近于实际操作。
Kongsberg Digital (KDI) has delivered a full mission K-Sim Dynamic Positioning (DP) Simulator to MOL Marine & Engineering (MOLMEC) for the new MOL Dynamic Positioning Training Centre (MOL DPTC) in Tokyo, Japan. MOL DPTC is the first DP training centre in Japan to be accredited by the Nautical Institute (NI) to provide NI-approved dynamic positioning training courses. The K-Sim DP Class A simulator is approved to be used for DP Seatime Reduction training under the Nautical Institute’s training scheme. K-Sim integrates with an advanced physics engine which, in addition to hydrodynamic modelling allows vessels, objects and equipment to behave and interact realistically. This is extremely important for making competence training adaptable to real-life operations.
Dynamic n. 动力
美 /daɪ'næmɪk/ 英 /daɪ'næmɪk/
Positioning n. 定位;布置
美 /pə'ziʃəniŋ/ 英 /pə'ziʃəniŋ/
Dynamic Positioning (DP) P.n. 动力定位