ABS and Seatrium advancing digital technologies for shipyards
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-05-17 11:05:49 点击量: 1953 来源:Marinelink
在近日举办的第十七届新加坡航运周上,美国船级社(ABS)发布了指导行业推进船舶智能制造的技术和检验要求,并根据其发布的《船厂智能技术指南》(Guide for Smart Technologies for Shipyards),认可新加坡海工巨头Seatrium是首个在运营中部署智能技术的造船集团。利用物联网及其云平台的技术,Seatrium开发了一个基于移动可穿戴设备的监控系统。这一系统通过了ABS的产品设计评估(PDA),将被集成到Seatrium船厂的智能化设备上。这些可穿戴的个人设备具备摔倒检测、地理定位、紧急联络、实时安全通知等功能,能够增强对船厂工人安全及健康的监测。
At Singapore Maritime Week, ABS launched detailed requirements to guide the industry in the application of smart technologies at shipyards and recognize Seatrium as the first shipyard group to deploy smart technologies in its operations, in line with the ABS Guide for Smart Technologies for Shipyards.Seatrium’s Mobile Wearable Personal Device (MWPD) Monitoring System, which leverages the internet of things (IOT) and platform technologies has also received Product Design Assessment (PDA) approval from ABS. The MWPD Monitoring System by Seatrium is integrated into smart devices that are deployed shipyard wide. These devices are worn on the wrists and intended to enhance the overall health and safety of shipyard workers with features such as fall detection, geo-location, emergency connectivity and real-time safety notifications.
structure n. 结构;构造
美 /ˈstrʌktʃər/ 英 /ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/
superstructure 船舶上层建筑
mooring n. 系泊用具
美 /'mʊrɪŋ/ 英 /'mɔːrɪŋ/
equipment n. 设备;器材
美 /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ 英 /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/
mooring equipment 系泊设备