Port of Rotterdam secures shore power for Vlaardingen terminal
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-27 09:12:25 点击量: 1603 来源:porttechnology
Rotterdam Shore Power B.V.是荷兰电力供应商Eneco与鹿特丹港务局建立的合资公司,其将在2023年底前为丹麦DFDS航运公司停靠弗拉尔丁恩码头的部分船舶提供岸电。该岸电设施由经过改造的40英尺集装箱组成,其内装有电气设备,能够对陆地公共电网进行变压处理以适合船上使用。电缆管理系统通过电缆将电力从码头输送至船载受电系统。该岸电装置的容量为1.8兆瓦,预计年供电2.5吉瓦,每年减少二氧化碳排放约2100吨。
Rotterdam Shore Power B.V, a joint venture of Eneco and the Port of Rotterdam Authority, will supply shore power to part of the DFDS ships that dock in Vlaardingen by the end 2023. The shore power facility consists of a converted 40-foot container containing electrical equipment that makes electricity from the public power grid suitable for use aboard the vessels. And a cable management system will physically bring the electricity from the wharf aboard the ship with a cable and a plug. The shore power installation has a capacity of 1.8 Megawatts and is expected to provide 3.5 Gigawatts per year of electricity. The estimated CO2 reduction resulting from the investment is approximately 2,100 tons on an annual basis.
cable n. 电缆;线缆
美 /ˈkebəl/ 英 /ˈkeibl/
cable management system 电缆管理系统