
DFDS deploys Wärtsilä’s SPECS technology onboard Selandia Seaways for enhanced safety and efficiency of its operations

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-27 10:09:28 点击量: 1608 来源:Wärtsilä

    瓦锡兰航海在丹麦联合轮船公司(DFDS)的滚装渡轮Selandia Seaways号上安装了旨在增强态势感知能力的智能全景相机系统(Smart Panoramic Edge Camera System,SPECS),以提高船舶在航行和停靠期间的安全性与效率。SPECS是一个智能技术系统,包含相机、增强现实(AR)和数据集成模块。该船配备了4个强大的超广角摄像头,能够进行360度感知。无论天气和光线如何,SPECS都能为船员提供清晰的视野。该系统的校正网格功能还能实时计算出船舶与码头及其他对象之间的精确距离,从而有效地帮助船舶停靠。

Wärtsilä Voyage, has installed its cutting-edge SPECS solution onboard Selandia Seaways, a 197m ro-ro ferry owned and operated by DFDS, to augment crew situational awareness and enhance the safety and efficiency of its navigation and docking procedures. SPECS is a smart technology system, spanning cameras, augmented reality and data integration. The vessel was fitted with four robust super-wide cameras to provide 360-degree awareness. Regardless of weather and available light, SPECS offers Selandia Seaways’ crew clear visibility. The system’s calibrated grid can provide the exact distance between the vessel and the quayside and other objects in real-time, which is especially useful when docking.

Augment v. 增加 

美 /ɔɡˈmɛntɪd/ 英 /ɔ:ɡ'mentid/


Reality n. 现实

美 /rɪ'æləti/ 英 /rɪ'ælɪtɪ/


Augmented Reality P.n. 增强现实技术(AR)
