
Dalian Shipbuilding Industry delivers China's 1st seagoing LNG bunker vessel

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-27 10:09:32 点击量: 1123 来源:Offshore-Energy


    LNG bunker vessel Xin Ao Pu Tuo Hao, built by Dalian Shipbuilding Industry, was delivered in Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Base on Friday, 16 September, which is the first domestic newbuilding LNG bunker vessel that is classed by the China Classification Society (CCS) in line with the Rules for Liquefied Natural Gas Bunkering Vessel. The ship is designed by China Ship Design & Research Center and equipped with a single propeller and a dual-fuel main engine. As early as 2018, ENN Energy Holdings, one of the largest LNG users in China, signed a contract to operate the 8500 cbm LNG bunkering vessel by Tianjin Southwest Maritime Limited. The vessel is intended to provide LNG bunkering services in the coastal region of Eastern China. It is able to bunker large ocean-going vessels including container carriers, bulkers, and LNG-powered cruise vessels. The new vessel is planned to be based at the ENN Zhoushan LNG receiving & bunkering terminal. In addition to providing bunkering supply operations, it will also carry out gas testing services for LNG carriers and other LNG fuelled vessels.

Bunker n. 地堡;煤舱;燃料舱 

英/ˈbʌŋkə(r)/ 美/ˈbʌŋkər/

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Bunkering Vessel P.n. 液化天然气燃料加注船

Tips:液化天然气燃料加注船(LNG Bunkering Vessel)是指设有围护系统和加注系统,用于船用天然气燃料加注的自航船舶。近年来,由于全球对航运产业节能减排做出了进一步要求,尤其是国际海事组织(IMO)2020全球限硫令的生效,LNG作为一种燃烧清洁、排放较低、热值较高的清洁环保能源逐渐被推广成为船用动力燃料。然而,LNG加注存在设施较少、效率较低等缺点,使得LNG动力船的应用受到限制。集调度灵活、加注速率高等优点于一身的LNG加注船应运而生。