
The wind cargo capacity of the ship exceeds 1 million deadweight tons

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-10-11 10:10:55 点击量: 959 来源:IWSA/MOL


    According to the International Windship Association (IWSA), at the end of this year, about 25 large commercial ships will be installed with wind propulsion systems, which will represent a total cargo volume of 1.2 million deadweight tons. IWSA estimates that by the end of 2023, as many as 50 large ships will utilize wind energy to carry cargo with a total tonnage of more than 3 million deadweight tons. In addition, 10 small cruise ships have adopted traditional soft sail technology, with a total registered tonnage of 50000. Considering the high fuel price and the considerable financial and decarbonization potential of wind power, wind power will become an increasingly attractive choice for ship owners. According to IWSA, the improved wind assistance solutions can save 5-20% of the ship's fuel use while the power requirement, with potential to reach 30%.

Deadweight Ton n. 载重公吨位 

美 /ˌdedˈweɪt/ 英 /ˌded'weɪt/
