
Alfa Laval and SSAB will support marine decarbonization with the first plate heat exchanger made using fossil-free steel

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-10-11 10:10:43 点击量: 1077 来源:GCaptain

    为了实现脱碳目标,航运业需要在多个领域做出改变。作为减少船配供应链碳足迹的一部分,阿法拉伐公司与瑞典钢铁公司SSAB签署协议,合作开发世界首台使用非化石能源钢(fossil-free steel)的板式换热器,并将其商业化。钢铁行业约占全球碳排放量的7%。SSAB在高强度钢领域处于领先地位,其采用hybrid技术生产的非化石能源钢将是该行业向可持续经营转型的一个突破。阿法拉伐船用分离与换热设备公司总裁Peter Nielsen说:“通过与SSAB的合作,将最大限度地减少航运业的碳足迹。”

    To decarbonize the marine industry, changes are needed both on board and beyond. As part of reducing carbon footprint throughout the equipment supply chain, Alfa Laval has signed an agreement with SSAB, to collaborate on the development and commercialization of the world’s first plate heat exchanger to be made using fossil-free steel. Global steel production accounts for 7% of the world’s carbon emissions. With a leading position in high-strength steel, SSAB’s upcoming fossil-free steel made with HYBRIT technology will be a breakthrough for the industry as it transitions to more sustainable operations. “Through our collaboration with SSAB, we will minimize their total carbon footprint,”says Peter Nielsen, President, Alfa Laval Marine Separation & Heat Transfer Equipment.

Plate n. (金属)板条,板

美 /plet/ 英 /pleɪt/

Exchanger n. 交换器

美 /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒər/ 英 /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒə(r)/


Plate Heat Exchanger P.n. 板式换热器
