
Maersk continues green transformation with six additional green container vessels

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-10-18 09:10:49 点击量: 915 来源:Maersk


    Maersk announces that it has ordered a further six 17,000 TEU large ocean-going vessels that can sail on green methanol. The vessels will be built by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). They will replace existing capacity in the Maersk fleet. The six vessels are all to be delivered in 2025 and will sail under the flag of Denmark. When all 19 vessels on order are deployed and have replaced older vessels, they will generate annual CO2 emissions savings of around 2.3 million tonnes. Other shipowners also choose green methanol. It adds further momentum to the rapid scaling of availability needed to bring down the premium on green methanol and accelerate the evolution of climate neutral shipping.

Climate n. 气候 

英 /ˈklaɪmət/  美 /ˈklaɪmət/ 


Neutral n. 中立者 

英 /ˈnjuːtrəl/  美 /ˈnuːtrəl/


Climate Neutral P.n. 气候中和

Tips:根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布的报告,气候中和指人类活动对气候系统不造成净影响的一种状态。类似的,碳中和(carbon neutral)仅考虑二氧化碳,净零排放(Net Zero)涵盖所有温室气体,而气候中和除了考虑温室气体净零排放,还考虑辐射效应等其他影响,三者有依次递进关系。目前不同国家和地区因发展阶段、能源结构、自然禀赋等的差异,采取不同的减排概念。我国采用“碳中和”提法,目标在2050年后实现碳中和或净零排放。