
Titan to set up world’s largest bio-LNG plant at Amsterdam port

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-10-18 10:10:51 点击量: 932 来源:Titan

    荷兰燃料供应商Titan将在阿姆斯特丹港建设世界最大的生物甲烷(biomethane)液化工厂,其生产的大部分生物液化天然气将供给首批客户的船队使用,其余部分则流向卡车加油站及一些工业企业。Titan表示,该项目符合最新的欧盟可再生能源指令(RED II),并从ISCC认证(国际可持续发展与碳认证)的可持续原料中获取沼气。该工厂的其他可持续项目还包括生物源性CO2的捕集和利用其为实现未来电制甲醇生产的氢预留(hydrogen-ready)设计。

Dutch fuel supplier Titan has moved to build what it says would be the world’s largest biomethane liquefaction plant (bio-LNG) in the Port of Amsterdam. The bulk of the bio-LNG volumes produced will be supplied to ships of Titan’s launching customer, while for the remaining volumes, truck refuelling stations and industrial customers are also within scope. Titan said the project will only source biogas from sustainable feedstocks that are compliant with the latest EU Renewable Energy Directive and are International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) certified. Other sustainable integrations in the plant include the capturing and utilization of the biogenic CO2 side stream, and the hydrogen-ready design to enable future production of e-methane where the biogenic CO2 is combined with green hydrogen.

Sustainability n. 可持续性、可持续发展

英 /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti/  美 /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti/  


International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) 国际可持续发展和碳认证

Tips:ISCC体系起源于德国,是满足欧盟《可再生能源指令》(2009/28/ECRED)的第一个标准,可分为ISCC EU、ISCC PLUS和ISCC CORSIA三个认证体系。它是实施社会和生态可持续性标准,供应链的可追溯性以及计算和减少温室气体碳排放量的一个全球适用认证体该认证现已发展成为国际认可的体系,也是欧盟目前认可度高、影响力大的项目。文中提及的制氢原料必须得到ISCC EU认证,才能够进入欧盟能源市场。