
Western Baltic Engineering and AYK Energy establish a partnership to accelerate the development of electric vessel

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-10-18 10:10:25 点击量: 967 来源:WBE

    立陶宛船舶设计公司WBE与电池制造商AYK签署了新的合作协议,以加速其电动推船Electric Eel的开发。该船26米长,由3块获挪威船级社(DNV)认证的电池提供动力,电池总重74吨,其中2块电池存放于甲板上的20英尺标准集装箱内,靠港时可使用港口起重机进行更换,另一块固定电池位于甲板下方,可在靠港时进行充电。该船还采用了超高效的船体设计,能够在欧洲乃至世界各地的浅水区轻松航行。据悉,这种新型电动推船将替代当前主导欧洲内河水运市场的柴油动力推船,有利于减少欧洲内河航运的碳排放。

    Lithuanian ship designer Western Baltic Engineering (WBE) has partnered with battery manufacturer AYK to accelerate the development of Electric Eel, an electric pusher vessel. The 26m long vessel is powered by three DNV-approved batteries with a combined weight of 74 tonnes, two held in TEU containers on deck which can be replaced via a crane at harbour, and one permanent battery below deck which can be charged at quayside. Electric Eel also have created a super-efficient hull design that will operate brilliantly on shallow waters in Europe and around the world. It is designed to replace diesel pushers which presently dominate the market for “pushing” non-propelled barges around Europe’s inland waterways, and help reduce carbon emissions in European waterway transportation. 

Electric  adj. 电动的, 电的 

英 /ɪˈlektrɪk/  美 /ɪˈlektrɪk/

Pusher  n. 推进器, 推进式飞机

英/ˈpʊʃə(r)/  美/ˈpʊʃər/


Electric Pusher P.n. 电力推进
