
Clarksons: There are 130 ammonia-ready and 6 hydrogen-ready vessels on order

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-10-25 05:10:32 点击量: 733 来源:NYK Line


    The green transition of the shipping industry is picking up pace with shipowners starting to invest in vessels that are technologically prepared to burn alternative fuels such as ammonia and hydrogen. There are now over 320 “LNG ready” ships in the fleet and 99 on the orderbook, while there are 130 “ammonia ready” and 6 “hydrogen ready” vessels on order. Energy-saving technologies (ESTs) have been fitted on over 5,550 ships, accounting for 24.5% of fleet tonnage: this includes propeller ducts, Flettner rotors, air lubrication systems and others. BWMS retrofit programme ongoing: majority of fleet tonnage (70.6%) now BWMS-fitted. Huge investment at ports is needed: only 171 ports (out of ~6,000) have shore side power, while over 1,700 vessels are fitted/set to be fitted with shore power connections.

lubrication n. 润滑 

美 /ˌlubrɪˈkeʃən/ 英 /ˌlu:bri'keiʃən/


Air Lubrication Systems P.n. 空气润滑系统
