Port deal set to expand China-Germany trade
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-01 09:11:01 点击量: 1704 来源:CHINA DAILY
在香港上市的中远海运港口有限公司与汉堡港和物流股份有限公司(Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, HHLA)将建立新的战略联盟,以进一步提升汉堡港的货物吞吐量,扩大中德贸易规模。中远海运港口有限公司将收购德国汉堡港福地码头(CTT)的一部分股权。CTT是汉堡港的三个集装箱码头之一,拥有4个泊位与14台集装箱门式起重机。中国远洋海运集团最大的两万标箱级集装箱船此前已在该码头靠泊作业。相关人士表示,这将是一次互惠互利的中德合作。
Hong Kong-listed COSCO Shipping Ports Ltd.'s new strategic alliance with Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA), will further augment the throughput at the Port of Hamburg and expand trade between China and Germany. Terminal operator COSCO Shipping Ports announced it will acquire a small portion of stake in Hamburger Hafen's HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort ( CTT ), at the German port. CTT is the one of three container terminals of Hamburger Hafen at the Port of Hamburg. It has four berths and 14 container gantry cranes. China COSCO Shipping Corp's largest container vessels with a capacity of 20,000 TEUs, have been handled there. If cooperation is reached, it is reciprocity and mutual benefit.
the Port of Hamburg 德国汉堡港