
World’s largest LNG-fuelled cruise ship delivered

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-01 09:11:42 点击量: 974 来源:MSC Cruises

    法国大西洋造船厂为地中海邮轮(MSC cruise)建造的世界上最大的液化天然气(LNG)动力邮轮宣布交付,这也是全球首艘搭载全新固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)技术的LNG动力邮轮。该邮轮长580.3米,可容纳2138名船员和6762名乘客,采用了包括船用LNG双燃料发动机在内的绿色动力系统。与传统船用燃料相比,液化天然气几乎消除了硫氧化物和细颗粒物等空气污染物的排放,能够大大减少氮氧化物的产生,同时还实现了25%的二氧化碳减排。此外,该船还配备了各种节能环保设备,以优化全船的能源利用。

    The Cruise Division of MSC Group and French shipbuilding company Chantiers de l’Atlantique have announced the delivery of the world’s largest LNG-powered cruise ship and one of the first contemporary cruise ship to feature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The ship measures 580.3 meters in length, is able to accommodate 6,762 passengers with a crew of 2,138 and incorporates the latest environmentally friendly characteristics, including a dual-fuel power plant for LNG. Compared to standard marine fuels, LNG nearly eliminates air pollutant emissions like sulphur oxides and fine particles, greatly reduces nitrogen oxides, and achieves a CO2 reduction of up to 25%. Additionally, it is the world’s first contemporary cruise ship to feature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology powered by liquefied natural gas. At the same time, the ship is also equipped with various equipment to optimize the energy utilization of the whole ship.

Cruise  n. 航行  v. 乘船游览

美 /kruːz/ 英 /kruːz/

Cruise Ship P.n 邮轮(也称游轮)
