
Maritime data cluster launched to drive green smart port revolution

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-08 09:11:56 点击量: 931 来源:Offshore-Energy


    A group of international ports is collaborating through the UK’s 2050 Maritime Innovation Hub to launch a Maritime Data Cluster aimed at accelerating the green smart port revolution. The cluster, the first of its kind, aims to facilitate sharing of non-commercial data between ports to achieve collective, workable solutions for the industry in areas such as health and safety, clean energy, decarbonization, cyber security, and asset management. Founding members of the cluster include the Port of Tyne, Associated British Ports (ABP), the Bristol Port Company, Poole, Amsterdam and Forth Ports, with more expected to join over time.

cluster n. 群,团,组 

美 /ˈklʌstər/ 英 /ˈklʌstə(r)/


maritime data cluster 海事数据(库)集群
