
Hapag-Lloyd to deploy Portchain Connect across its terminals

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-22 09:11:13 点击量: 1698 来源:Hapag-Lloyd

      为部署全球港航链系统(Portchain Connect),丹麦科技公司Portchain宣布与德国赫伯罗特公司(Hapag-Lloyd)建立为期5年的合作伙伴关系。利用Portchain平台的Web应用程序,承运人可将其各自的系统与码头相连,能够安全地共享船期表和船舶靠泊数据等,以提高船期可靠性以及码头泊位利用率。通过调整相关数据,还能使船舶准时到达(JIT)港口。据国际海事组织估计,在JIT模式下,可减少船舶到港前24小时内5.9%的二氧化碳排放量和燃料消耗量。

      Portchain has announced a 5-year partnership with Hapag-Lloyd to deploy Portchain Connect across their global operations. Portchain provides a platform that enables carriers and terminals to securely share their schedule and berthing data with each other through their systems and an easy-to-use web application. Portchain Connect digitises the berth alignment process between carriers and terminals for the benefit of schedule reliability and terminal asset utilisation. This alignment process enables the opportunity to capture the benefits of Just-In-Time (JIT) arrivals, which the IMO estimate can reduce CO2 emissions and bunker consumption by 5.9 per cent in the 24 hours leading up to arrival.

carrier n.(海上)承运人 

美 /ˈkæriər/ 英 /ˈkæriə(r)/ 

