
Seafarer evaluation app launches

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-22 09:11:37 点击量: 1064 来源:OLG

      总部位于塞浦路斯的数字化学习提供商OneLearn Global(OLG)推出了一体化的数字评估解决方案,可帮助海事行业相关组织、企业收集信息并评估海员能力。方案中提及的海员评估应用程序(SEA)主要有两个功能模块:CompetenSEA,旨在评估海员的综合知识和能力,并判断其是否适合特定职位;FluenSEA,旨在评估海员的航海英语水平。据OLG称,公司可以使用该应用程序生成候选人能力报告,并参照行业标准,为每位海员进行个性化评估,出具评估证明,以建立更为全面的人才库。CompetenSEA还能帮助招聘官提前筛选职位候选人,甚至能通过定期衡量海员的能力为其制定职业规划,帮助人才持续学习。

      Cyprus-headquartered digital eLearning provider OneLearn Global (OLG) has rolled out an all-in-one digital evaluation solution enabling organisations to gather information and evaluate the competencies of seafarers in a single location. The Seafarer Evaluation App (SEA) comprises two tools: CompetenSEA, designed to evaluate the knowledge and competencies of seafarers and define their suitability for a particular position; and FluenSEA, used to evaluate the knowledge of seafarers in maritime English. According to OLG, companies can use the app to generate reports that summarise candidates’ competencies, measure seafarers against industry standards, produce certificates for each seafarer, customise the assessments, and gain a more comprehensive view of the knowledge base of their workforce. CompetenSEA can also be used for pre-hiring decisions to shortlist candidates for a position as well as for continuous training and development by regularly measuring the competency levels of an individual.

evaluation n.评价,评估 

美/ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃ(ə)n / 英/ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃn/ 


digital evaluation 数字化评估
