
Maran Dry Management to trial hydrogen production tech on LNG-powered bulker

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-22 09:11:14 点击量: 1137 来源:国际船舶网

      希腊船东Angelicoussis主营干散货业务的子公司Maran Dry已与意大利船级社(RINA)、上海船舶研究设计院(SDARI)签署了一项新的联合开发项目协议,将旗下21万载重吨的纽卡斯尔型散货船“GREEN DOLPHIN 210”改装为液化天然气/氢双燃料动力。该项目采用此前针对MR油船的类似方案,基于燃烧前碳捕获原理:在燃烧前从液化天然气分子的分裂中捕获二氧化碳,而不是从废气排放中捕获,具有质量流量低、空间需求小、扩展性强的优点,可以逐步满足2050年的减排要求。据介绍,该方案利用现有非常成熟的LNG燃料在船上现场制氢,解决了氢燃料储运的技术瓶颈,并超前达到IMO减碳要求。

      Maran Dry Management Inc. A dry bulk shipping unit of the Angelicoussis Group, has signed a joint development project agreement with the Italian classification society RINA and Shanghai Ship Research and Design Institute (SDARI) for an LNG and hydrogen-powered bulk carrier.The project will use the design which was launched earlier this year for an MR tanker on a 210,000 dwt Newcastlemax bulk carrier. The design is based on a pre-combustion carbon capture principle: the CO2 is captured from splitting the LNG molecules before the combustion in the engine takes place, This involves lower mass flows, therefore a reduced space required, and scalable installation to progressively keep up with the pace of the emissions reduction. 

medium adj.中等的,适中的 

美/ˈmiːdiəm/ 英/ˈmiːdiəm/


Medium Range(MR)中程,中距离

MR tanker 中程油轮
