
Nuclear ships regulations to enter into force in UK on December 8

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-29 11:11:32 点击量: 1036 来源:Core Power

    英国即将通过一项关于推进商船核动力推进的立法,填补其海事法律体系中相关领域的空白。该条例名为《2022年核动力商船条例》,已于本月早些时候提交英国议会,并将于今年的12月8日正式生效,它将使1974年《国际海上人命安全公约》附件第八章的商船“核规则”成为法律文件。专注于航运业和重工业领域原子能应用开发的英国公司Core Power于9月向外界展示了针对集装箱船的核电推进系统(NEPS)。展示结果表明,在考虑当前船用燃料价格和保守碳税的条件下,装有单个熔盐反应堆的14,000TEU集装箱船的总生命周期成本约为常规动力姊妹船的一半。但目前,出于安全考虑和航运业的传统商业思维,核能的广泛应用还无法被公众接受。

        The UK is about to pass legislation on nuclear propulsion for merchant ships, closing a loophole in its maritime legislative system on a propulsion technology. Namely, the UK Parliament is set to adopt the proposed Merchant Shipping (Nuclear Ships) Regulations 2022, which have been laid before the House of Commons and the House of Lords earlier this month. The ‘statutory instrument’ is set to enter into force on December 8, 2022. The regulations will enable the “Nuclear Code” for merchant ships, which is found in Chapter VIII of the Annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), to become law. CorePower is a scalable atomic energy technology company focused on ocean transportation and heavy industry. In September, the UK company showcased for the first time a nuclear electric propulsion system (NEPS) targeting the container ship segment. The demonstration showed how a 14k TEU vessel fitted with a single molten salt reactor could enjoy total lifecycle costs of about half that of a conventionally propelled sister ship, once current bunker fuel prices and conservative carbon taxes are taken into consideration. The key obstacle to the wider implementation of nuclear technology in commercial shipping has been public acceptance due to safety concerns as well as the traditional business mindset of the shipping sector.  

atomic adj.原子的,核能的

英/əˈtɒmɪk/ 美/əˈtɑːmɪk/


atomic energy n. 原子能、核能
