
Nokia to deploy LTE private network in Port STI

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-07 03:12:26 点击量: 825 来源:Porttechnology

        诺基亚将在智利圣安东尼奥港(STI)部署首个工业级LTE专用网络。该网络基于诺基亚数字自动化云(DAC)平台,将利用4.9G LTE提供的低延迟、高宽带连接,改善码头和堆场的网络可预测性。其覆盖的31公顷区域内的员工、传感器、设备和车辆都可以安全可靠地连入该网络,完成STI新功能的适配,实现包括码头、堆场起重机远程遥控作业在内的多种用途。作为该项目的唯一供应商,诺基亚还将提供无线网络接入(RAN)、培训、安装和远程支持等服务。

        Nokia will deploy the first industrial-grade LTE private network in Port San Antonio Terminal International (STI).  Based on the Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) platform, the new private wireless network will utilize 4.9G LTE to provide pervasive high-bandwidth, low-latency connectivity, and improved network predictability in piers and yards. Over a 31 hectare region, this private wireless network will safely and dependably link hundreds of employees, sensors, tools, and vehicles. It will allow new capabilities at STI and provide for multiple uses including remote and autonomous crane operations within the piers and yards. Nokia will serve as the project’s only supplier and will deliver the RAN network, training, installation services, and remote support.

pier n. (突入湖、河、海中的)码头;突堤码头 

英 /pɪə(r)/  美 /pɪr/

