
University of Plymouth books sub-bottom profiler for research purposes

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-07 03:12:46 点击量: 1375 来源:GeoAcoustics

        普利茅斯大学与英国GeoAcoustics公司签署了一项技术合作协议,将购买其GeoPulse Compact海底地层剖面仪用于教学和研究。该套系统将于12月正式交付。为实现灵活部署,系统还包含了一个舷外OTS传感器支架。根据GeoAcoustics的说法,通过在实际教学中使用GeoPulse Compact,学生们能够接触到符合行业标准的浅水声学定位系统,并将理论更好地运用于实践,从而拓展并加强大学在海底地层剖面基础知识、工作流程、实践方法等方面的教学。此外,该系统还将被应用到普利茅斯大学本科生和研究生的研究项目以及其他更广泛的学术研究中。

        The University of Plymouth has signed a technology partnership agreement with GeoAcoustics based on which it will use a GeoPulse Compact sub-bottom profiler for education and research purposes.The University of Plymouth will in December take delivery of the system, which includes an Over-the-Side (OTS) transducer mount for deployment flexibility. According to GeoAcoustics, the GeoPulse Compact enables the university to expand and enhance its teaching of the fundamentals, workflows and best practice of sub-bottom profiling with the opportunity to apply the theory in a live setting using an industry-standard shallow water acoustic system. In addition, The system will be integrated into undergraduate and postgraduate research projects, as well as broader academic research.

profiler n. 分析器,探查窗口 

英/ˈprəʊfaɪlə(r)/ 美/ˈproʊfaɪlər/


sub-bottom profiler n. 海底剖面仪
