
Box shipping market delivers $59 billion quarterly profit

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-07 04:12:29 点击量: 834 来源:Blue Alpha Capital

        根据航运咨询公司蓝色阿尔法资本(Blue Alpha Capital)发布的相关数据显示,2022年集装箱航运业第三季度的净利润为589亿美元,较去年同期的481亿美元大涨了22.4%。但与今年第二季度相比,回落了6.6%。此前,受集装箱航线运价普遍上涨的影响,集运业净利润创下了连续七个季度上涨的纪录。BlueAlphaCapital创始人McCown指出,今年第二季度行业收益已达顶峰,如今,利润增长的速度正在放缓,这与业内的预测相符。

        The box shipping sector had a $58.9 billion net income for the third quarter of the year. The figure is an increase of $10.8 billion and 22.4 per cent from the $48.1 billion profit for Q32021. Compared sequentially to 2Q2022, net income was $4.1 billion or 6.6 per cent lower. The stats come from John McCown’s Blue Alpha Capital quarterly profits report, an industry-leading container outlook portfolio. The small downturn follows seven straight quarters of record net income for the sector driven by pricing increases across most container lanes. McCown noted that 2Q2022 will be recognized as the peak in terms of earnings echoing global sentiments that the record-breaking profit run for carriers is slowing down.

3rd Q 第三季度

“3rd Q”是“Third Quarter”的缩写,表示“第三季度”,即7、8、9三月。
