
SHI succeeded in demonstrating its autonomous navigation technology

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-07 05:12:22 点击量: 901 来源:三星重工

        11月24日,三星重工宣布在韩国西海海域连接南海和东海的岛屿沿岸成功完成业内首次船舶自主航行技术测试。自11月15日起,木浦海洋大学9000吨级航海教学实习船“世界路”号在木浦西海域进行了为期四天、航程950公里的自主航行,对该项技术进行了充分的验证。“世界路”号配备了三星重工自主研发的远程自主航行系统“SAS(Samsung Autonomous Ship)”,在整个测试过程中,“SAS”完成了29次海上避碰动作。特别是在经过海上作业活跃的韩国离於岛附近时,“世界路”号的船首和右舷同时有多艘渔船靠近,在可能发生复合碰撞事故的情况下,“SAS”每5秒提示一次正确、安全的归避航线,利用实时感知系统作出了认知计算和避碰决策,证明了其性能的优秀。

        Samsung Heavy Industries announced on the 24th that it successfully demonstrated its autonomous navigation technology, for the first time in the industry, on the coast of Korean islands connecting the South Sea and the East Sea. For four days from November 15, Mokpo National Maritime University's 9,000-ton training vessel, the Segye-ro, automously navigated a distance of about 950 kilometers on the Mokpo West Sea, demonstrating its autonomous navigation technology. The Segye-ro, equipped with SHI's remote autonomous navigation system "SAS," succeeded in safely avoiding 29 collision risk situations where it encountered other ships during autonomous navigation. In particular, SAS recognized a collision risk situation in real time when passing in the vicinity of Ieodo where several fishing boats were approaching from the bow and starboard side at the same time, demonstrating excellent performance by showing accurate and safe avoidance routes every 5 seconds.

collision n. 碰撞,冲突

英/kəˈlɪʒ(ə)n/ 美/kəˈlɪʒ(ə)n/

collision risk 碰撞危险
