
WSC: FuelEU Maritime should do more to accelerate shipping decarbonization

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-14 10:12:13 点击量: 1005 来源:WSC

        一封公开信显示,世界海运理事会(WSC)与丹麦船东协会(Danish Shipping)、甲醇协会(Methanol Institute)三方敦促欧盟委员会就FuelEU Maritime法规达成协议。FuelEU Maritime对船用燃料的温室气体含量作出了严格限制,将有助于减少航运业的温室气体排放。目前该法规正处于最后谈判阶段,一旦获得通过,其将被纳入欧盟的相关法规体系中。为了确保未来的法规能够充分考虑各方利益,世界海运理事会与丹麦船东协会公司、甲醇协会希望欧盟能够在谈判中明确标准,确保采用可大幅减少温室气体排放的可再生航运燃料。

        In an open letter, the World Shipping Council (WSC) together with Danish Shipping and the Methanol Institute urge decision-makers to reach an agreement on the FuelEU Maritime which will help reduce shipping GHG emissions. Increasing demand for fuels that reduce GHGs is the main idea of the FuelEU Maritime which in the final stages of negotiation in the political system in Brussels. To ensure that the future rules will sufficiently take first movers into account, WSC together with Danish Shipping and the Methanol Institute urge decision-makers to negotiate clear performance standards that ensure the uptake of renewably produced marine fuels that substantially reduce GHGs.

FuelEU Maritime

Tips:2021年,欧盟委员会公布了名为“Fit for 55”的一揽子气候计划,承诺将通过系列举措在2030年底达到温室气体排放量较1990年减少55%的目标。FuelEU Maritime是该计划中可持续航运燃料方面的法规,它对船用燃料的全生命周期温室气体排放的强度设定了限制,以扩大可再生燃料和低碳燃料在航运业的市场渗透率,最终促进航运业的能源转型。