
Triton Anchor Secures Funds to Speed Up Development of Anchoring System for Floating Wind

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-14 10:12:45 点击量: 828 来源:Triton Anchor

        Triton Anchor是一家为海上浮式风电行业提供锚固解决方案的开发商,该公司于上周三宣布已完成首轮融资,将加速开发其浮式风电锚固系统。Triton Anchor提供了一种低成本、模块化且能够静音安装的锚固系统,适用于悬链线式、张紧式和张力腿式系泊。Triton Anchor相关人员表示:“美国能源部、国家海上风电研究与发展联合会(NOWRDC)、马萨诸塞州清洁能源中心(MassCEC)和美国海军部提供的竞争性拨款对这项系统的成功面世至关重要。”Triton Anchor的锚固解决方案不仅能够帮助行业降低成本,而且还提高了在深水环境中安装风机的效率。通过加快浮式风力发电系统的部署,该解决方案能够帮助全球达到减排目标,或许将引领该行业的变革与发展。

        Triton Anchor, a developer of anchoring solutions for the floating offshore wind industry, announced Wednesday that it has closed its first round of financing to accelerate the development of floating wind anchoring systems. The Triton Anchor solution is a low cost, silently installed, modular anchoring system that works for catenary, shared, taut, and TLP moorings. "Competitive grants provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Offshore Wind Research & Development Consortium (NOWRDC), MassCEC, and the Department of the Navy have been crucial to making this technology a reality," Triton Anchor said. Its solutions will not only help the industry lower costs but will reduce the time needed to deploy wind turbines in deep water environments. The anchoring solutions being developed by Triton Anchor have the potential to be a game changer by accelerating the deployment of floating wind generation and floating wind’s potential to help the world achieve its carbon reduction goals.

float v.(使)漂浮,(使)浮动

英/fləʊt/ 美/floʊt/


floating offshore wind 浮式海上风电
