美国Elliott Bay设计集团推出甲醇燃料港口发电和充电驳船

EBDG unveils methanol-powered harbor power and charging barge

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-14 10:12:49 点击量: 1936 来源:EBDG

        美国Elliott Bay设计集团(EBDG)提出一种新型甲醇燃料港口发电和充电驳船设计方案。该浮式移动平台具备7兆瓦的甲醇持续发电能力,自持力最长可达两周,能够为船舶提供岸电接入服务,最大限度地减少大型船舶在码头和锚地的排放。此外,它还可作为电动港口拖船和其他小型工作船的“现场”直流充电站。该船不仅配备了瓦锡兰W32M Tier IV甲醇发电机提供岸电服务,还整合了e1 Marine M30甲醇重整制氢技术,可以为集成的PowerCell PS-185燃料电池系统供氢,用于快速充电。值得注意的是,EBDG与Miller marine公司于近期开展合作,设计和建造了一艘全电动拖船。作为该项目的一部分,EBDG将在已经验证的Miller Marine拖船设计中加入其电力推进系统。

        U.S.Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG) has developed a new design of methanol-fuelled harbor power and charging barge. Delivering 7 megawatts (MW) of continuous power generated by methanol, this floating mobile platform is capable of cold ironing to minimize emissions from large vessels both at the pier and at anchor for up to two weeks before refueling.Additionally, it offers double duty as an “in-field” DC charging station for electric harbor tugs and other smaller service vessels. Furthermore, the ship is equipped with a Wärtsilä W32M Tier IV methanol generator for cold ironing and features e1 Marine's M30 hydrogen reformer technology. The charging barge also incorporates PowerCell's PS-185 Fuel Cell system for fast charging. To remind, EBDG has recently joined hands with marine metal fabrication shop Miller Marine to design and build a fully electric truckable tug. As part of this project, EBDG will incorporate an electrical propulsion system into Miller Marine's proven truckable tug design.

ironing n.熨烫,熨衣服

英/ˈaɪənɪŋ/ 美/ˈaɪərnɪŋ/


cold ironing n.岸电,冷熨烫

Tips:cold ironing最初用来表示船舶靠港后,关停船上所有热动力源,让发动机逐渐冷却下来,直至完全变冷的这一状态。这时,船舶会停止使用船上的自备辅助发电机,转而使用陆地电源即岸电向主要船载系统供电。所谓岸电技术,就是用岸基电源替代船上柴油机发电,直接对邮轮、货轮、集装箱船、维修船舶等供电,减少船舶在港口停泊时的污染排放,达到节能减排和环境保护的效果