
ABS explores future of cutting-edge maritime tech in broad-reaching report

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-20 09:12:27 点击量: 929 来源:ABS

        无人驾驶船舶是否会成为“海上霸主”?人工智能是否能够帮助人们设计出更好的海上设施?核能是否会成为未来的终极能源?随着以上颠覆性技术的涌现,海事行业即将迎来重大变革。紧跟这一创新浪潮,美国船级社(ABS)发布了最新报告《技术趋势:探索海事创新的未来》(Technology Trends: Exploring the Future of Maritime Innovation),为海洋及近海技术的未来发展规划方向。该报告还预测了实现零碳排放与数字化取得重大技术突破的时间节点。ABS全球工程与技术高级副总裁Patrick Ryan表示:“我们会把这份报告作为行业清洁能源转型、数字化发展以及新材料和计算机辅助设计等领域应用研究的高级路线图。”

        Will autonomous vessels dominate the oceans? Can artificial intelligence design an optimized offshore asset? Is nuclear power the ultimate energy source of the future? These are some of the questions facing maritime industry leaders as a wave of new technologies is poised to revolutionize the sector. ABS recognizes the coming surge of innovations and is charting a course for the future of marine and offshore technologies with a new report, Technology Trends: Exploring the Future of Maritime Innovation. The publication lays out a vision and timeline for key technological milestones on the journey to net-zero emissions and digitalization. “We offer this publication as a high-level roadmap for the industry’s clean energy transition, digitalization, and applied research in areas like new materials and computer-aided design,” said Patrick Ryan, ABS Senior Vice President, Global Engineering and Technology. 

offshore adj. 近海的 

英 /ˌɒfˈʃɔː(r)/  美 /ˌɔːfˈʃɔːr/ 

