Incat Crowther 32双体船员转运船将助力海上风电行业发展

New era for china’s offshore wind industry as AFAI Southern Shipyard delivers new CTV To Goldsea

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-20 10:12:22 点击量: 920 来源:Incat Crowther

        近日,由澳大利亚船舶设计公司Incat Crowther设计的双体船员转运船(CTV)——Incat Crowther 32宣布正式交付。该船由位于广州的英辉南方造船厂(AFAI Southern Shipyard)建造,最终被金海智造股份有限公司接收并投入使用,标志着中国海上风电产业的一次飞跃。该船专为中国近海环境而设计,其较高的稳性及出色的性能是其他同类船舶无法比拟的:采用Incat Crowther弹性船首技术,能够在浪高超过两米的情况下确保人员上下船和转移的安全;主甲板设有四个船员舱、两间浴室以及一个配备茶水间的大型技术人员休息室;船上还配有一台甲板起重机,能够在10米的作业半径内吊起2吨的重物。

        Incat Crowther announced the handover of a new purpose-built catamaran CTV to Goldsea Marine & Offshore Engineering (Shanghai) Co Ltd (Goldsea). The Incat Crowther 32, built by AFAI Southern Shipyard in Guangzhou, represents a step change for the Chinese offshore wind industry. Designed specifically for offshore conditions in China, the vessel offers stability, performance and functionality unmatched by other similar vessels in the region. Safety has been prioritised with Incat Crowther’s Resilient Bow Technology ensuring safe landings and transfers during wave height conditions in excess of two metres. The main deck features four crew cabins, two bathrooms and a large technician seating area with refreshment space, while the vessel is also prepared for a deck crane capable of lifting two tonnes at a reach of 10 metres. 

catamaran n. 双体船  

英 /ˌkætəməˈræn/  美 /ˌkætəməˈræn/

