
RINA okays SWS’ LNG/hydrogen-fuelled VLCC design

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-12-27 09:12:08 点击量: 928 来源:网易新闻

        由上海外高桥造船厂(SWS)设计的液化天然气/氢动力超大型原油运输船(VLCC)获得了意大利船级社(RINA)的原则性认可(AiP)。该船的动力设计原理是:在 Helbio 气体重整器中将液化天然气与蒸汽相结合,并将甲烷分子分解为氢气和二氧化碳,其中氢气直接用于为内燃机和燃料电池提供燃料。具体来说,直接从液化天然气分子中捕获碳原子是一种燃烧前脱碳技术,即从重整气体流而不是废气排放物中低温分离二氧化碳,可以节约船上空间,并减少化学品的使用和能源损耗。SWS预计,通过使用LNG和船制氢气,该船将达到IMO 2050年的脱碳目标。

Classification society RINA has granted approval in principle (AiP) for Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding’s (SWS) very large crude carrier (VLCC) vessel design which can run on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen. The propulsion design is based on combining LNG with steam in a Helbio gas reformer to split LNG molecules into hydrogen and CO2. Hydrogen is then directly used to fuel internal combustion engines and fuel cells. Specifically, the capture of carbon atom directly from the LNG molecules, serves as a pre-combustion technique, and the cryogenic separation of CO2 from a stream of reformed gases rather than from exhaust emissions results in a much smaller installation on bard which eliminates the use of chemicals and the penalty in energy consumption. The company expects that this propulsion arrangement will reduce the ship’s resistance by 5-10% and meet the IMO targets for 2050 through the use of the ship’s fuel (LNG) combined with hydrogen produced onboard.

combustion n. 燃烧、氧化 

美 /kəmˈbʌstʃ(ə)n/ 英 /kəm'bʌstʃ(ə)n/ 


pre-combustion n.燃烧前捕获、燃烧前脱碳 
