
COSCO deploys tank containers for LNG import

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-01-10 08:01:04 点击量: 864 来源:中远海运(COSCO)


        COSCO SHIPPING has provided LNG tank containers for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import from Canada. The containers were manufactured by Lianyungang COSCO SHIPPING Special Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.-a joint venture established by COSCO SHIPPING (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. and Lianyungang Traffic Control Logistics Group. COSCO SHIPPING Freight provided supply chain services including shipping, land transportation and customs clearance. A first vessel loaded with empty tank containers at Qingdao Port set sail to the Port of Vancouver, Canada for container filling, and then directly delivered the imported LNG to domestic end-users via ocean shipping. Featuring integrated energy storage and transportation, LNG tank containers supplement the energy reserve for peak shaving, and provide flexible solutions to LNG storage and transportation for end-users, reducing the overall operating costs.

ocean shipping n. 海运,远洋运输
