
CSSC: Out of 209 delivered ships this year, over a third were dual-fuel

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-01-10 09:01:34 点击量: 783 来源:沪东中华造船

        截至12月23日,中国船舶集团2022年累计交船209艘。据统计,在中船集团去年完工交付的船舶中,双燃料船舶占比近三分之一(31.6%),中高端船型占比超半数(56.8%)。该集团在超大型集装箱船建造领域处于领先地位:旗下的沪东中华和江南造船厂先后交付了4艘24000 TEU超大型集装箱船。这些全球最大的集装箱船采用了目前最新的节能环保技术,包括玲珑型球鼻艏、大直径螺旋桨和节能导管,以及能够提高船舶效率、降低能耗的空气润滑系统。

        Chinese shipbuilding conglomerate China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) is rounding off 2022 with the delivery of 209 ships. Over a third of vessels completed and delivered this year by the group’s shipyards were dual-fuel ships (31.6%), while mid-to-high-end ships accounted for over half of vessel deliveries, standing at 56.8 %, the shipbuilding heavyweight said. Some of the key ship construction milestones this year include the deliveries of four 24,000 TEU ultra-large containerships by the group’s Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) and Jiangnan Shipbuilding (Group). These ships are the world’s largest containerships based on their capacity. The vessels feature some of the most innovative and eco-friendly technologies available on the market including bulbous bows, large-diameter propellers, and energy-saving ducts to improve their efficiency and lower energy consumption as well as air lubrication systems.

equivalent n. 相等的东西,等价物 

美 /ɪ'kwɪvələnt/  英 /ɪ'kwɪv(ə)l(ə)nt/ 


TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Unit) n. 标准箱

Tips:TEU是Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit的简称,Twenty-Foot指20英尺,这种尺寸的集装箱被称为标准箱,因此1 TEU就是一个标准箱,其他尺寸的集装箱按照这个标准换算成标准箱。TEU通常用来表示船舶装载集装箱的能力,也是表示港口吞吐量的重要计量单位。