
PIL refreshes Gulf China Service

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-01-10 10:01:01 点击量: 975 来源:PIL

        为加强与中东主要市场的联系,太平洋国际航运公司(PIL)拓展了其中国波斯湾服务(GCS)。该公司将在现有停靠地——阿联酋杰贝尔阿里港(Jebel Ali)和沙特阿拉伯达曼港(Dammam)的基础上新增停靠卡塔尔哈马德港(Hamad),并在中国到中东的西行航线上停靠新加坡。升级后的航线将于2023年1月9日从上海启航,由七艘船舶组成的船队承担运输任务,平均有效运力将达4000–5200 标箱(TEU)。GCS新航线的停靠港如下:上海-宁波-南沙-蛇口-新加坡-杰贝阿里-达曼-哈马德-新加坡-上海。此外,早在去年10月,PIL就推出了包括火车、卡车和驳船等在内的多式联运服务,通过其在亚洲、非洲、中东、拉丁美洲和大洋洲的现有网络,进一步提升其集装箱航运服务。

        Pacific International Lines (PIL) has enhanced its Gulf China Service (GCS) to improve connectivity to key markets in the Middle East. The service will now see the addition of Hamad Port in Qatar to the existing calls to Jebel Ali in Dubai and Dammam in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the enhanced service will call Singapore on the West bound route from China to Middle East. These Changes will be effective starting 9 January 2023 from Shanghai, served by the current consortium of seven vessels with an upgraded average effective capacity of 4000–5200 TEU. The ports of call for the further enhanced GCS service are: Shanghai – Ningbo- Nansha – Shekou – Singapore – Jebel Ali – Dammam – Hamad – Singapore – Shanghai. In October, the Singaporean company introduced the PIL Intermodal Services, offering train, truck, and barge services to complement its container shipping services.The new Intermodal Services are available across its existing network in Intra-Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America and Oceania.

services n. 服务,业务;v. 维修,检修

美/ˈsɜrvɪs/  英/ˈsɜː(r)vɪs/


intermodal services n. 多式联运服务
