
MOL to develop an integrated wind-hydrogen-producing vessel

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-01-17 09:01:30 点击量: 862 来源:Seatrade Maritime

        日本知名航运公司商船三井计划在2024年开工建造零排放船——Wind Hunter号,这是一艘配有多个硬翼帆并具备船上制氢能力的远洋货船。Wind Hunte号总长60多米,航行中途无需进行燃料加注,当出现强风时,可使用风力辅助推进,同时制备氢气。即通过水下涡轮机旋转发电,将由海水制成的纯净水电解生产氢气,然后将氢气以液态甲基环己烷(MCH)的形式储存在储罐中,实现安全、经济地储存和运输氢。当风力较弱时,该船将利用储存的氢气为燃料电池提供原料,并为驱动船舶前进的电动螺旋桨提供动力。

        Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), a well-known Japanese shipping major, aims to build Wind Hunter, a vessel that produces hydrogen and boasts multiple stiff sails, in 2024. The 60- to 70-meter-long zero-emission cargo vessel would not need refuelling as it’d sail with hydrogen created onboard and wind-assisted power in case of strong winds. The electricity produced by underwater turbines that spin in the water would then be used to electrolyze seawater to yield hydrogen. The methylcyclohexane (MCH) liquid form can be cautiously stored and safely transported. It can then be used affordably to store the hydrogen in tanks. The vessel would use the hydrogen it stored to power a fuel cell that extends electricity and then powers the electric propellers that helped propel the ship forward when the wind was light.

methylcyclohexane P.n. 甲基环已烷

