
Linde Engineering build hydrogen filling station at Port of Hamburg

发布者:knowmi 发布时间: 2023-01-17 09:01:05 点击量: 1046 来源:HHLA

        德国汉堡港与汉堡哈芬物流公司(HHLA)已委托林德工程在其清洁港口与物流集群范围内建造一个加氢站。目前,加氢站正在开发中,将为氢动力重型货车(HGV)和码头设备提供燃料,并在运行中对这些设备进行测试。该加氢站预计于2023年投入运营,其核心设备是一台高压离子压缩机,可将氢气压缩至450 bar,能够为跨运车、空箱堆垛机、叉车、正面吊、码头牵引装置和卡车等提供更高效的加氢服务。在建设加氢站的同时,汉堡港也在完善所需的基础设施,以加速向无排放重型货物物流港口过渡,发展脱碳物流。

        Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) has commissioned Linde Engineering to build a hydrogen filling station within the scope of its Clean Port & Logistics innovation cluster. The hydrogen filling station is being developed to fuel hydrogen-powered heavy goods vehicles and terminal equipment and to test them in operation which is expected to begin operation in 2023. The heart of the filling station is an energy-efficient high-pressure ionic compressor that compresses the hydrogen up to 450 bar. This will allow equipment such as straddle carriers, empty container stackers, forklift trucks, reach stackers, terminal tractor units and trucks to be refuelled with hydrogen efficiently. With the construction of the filling station, the required infrastructure is now being created to speed up the transition to emissions free heavy goods logistics and port operations, and to drive forward the decarbonisation of logistics. 

hydrogen n.氢 

美/ˈhaɪdrədʒən/  英 /'haɪdrədʒən/

hydrogen filling station 加氢站
