
SAIC Anji revs up green shipping with order of 7 methanol-ready car carriers

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-01-31 09:01:36 点击量: 1043 来源:Offshore Energy


        近日,上汽集团下属的汽车物流公司安吉物流订购了七艘8,900 CEU(车位)甲醇双燃料汽车运输船(PCTC),其中四艘在招商局金陵造船厂(CMJL Nanjing)建造,其余三艘则由中国船舶工业集团(CSSC)建造。这些汽车运输船采用常规燃料,并具备“甲醇就绪”(Methanol-ready)的船级符号,这意味着这些船配备的发动机未来可以改用甲醇燃料。金陵造船预计在2025年先交付两艘船,2026年再交付其后两艘船。中船集团旗下的江南造船厂将于2025年交付前两艘船,其余船舶则于2026年交付。

        SAIC Anji, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China’s SAIC Motor specializing in automotive logistics business, has ordered the construction of seven methanol-ready car carriers. The deal has been split into two separate orders featuring Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) vessels of 8,900 CEU capacity. Four vessels from the batch will be built at China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (CMJL Nanjing), and the remaining three by China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), according to Clarksons. The ships will be conventionally fuelled and will have a Methanol-ready class notation enabling them to switch to methanol at a later stage. CMJL Nanjing is expected to deliver the first two vessels in 2025, followed by two more in 2026. At Jiangnan, the first two vessels are slated for delivery in 2025, and the remaining vessel in 2026.

Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) n. 汽车运输船
