
Maersk, MSC to discontinue 2M alliance in 2025 to pursue individual strategies

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-02-06 10:02:55 点击量: 1366 来源:MoreThanShipping


        地中海航运(MSC)和马士基A/S(Maersk A/S)共同宣布将于2025年1月终止2M联盟。2M是集装箱航运公司舱位共享协议(VSA)的产物,旨在确保两家公司在亚欧、跨大西洋和跨太平洋航线上能够进行更有竞争力、成本效益更高的运营。根据其2015年签署的协议,合作最短期限为10年,如终止,需提前两年通知。两家航运巨头指出,自签署协议以来“发生了很大变化”,MSC与马士基战略重点的不同致使2M联盟解散。此外,马士基和MSC还表示,这对目前2M联盟的航线服务没有直接影响,两家公司的客户服务团队将与各自的客户进行沟通,在联盟逐步终止期间为其提供帮助。

        MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and Maersk A/S, an entity under A.P. Moller - Maersk, are to discontinue the 2M shipping alliance in 2025. 2M is a container shipping line vessel-sharing agreement (VSA) introduced by Maersk and MSC with the aim of ensuring competitive and cost-efficient operations in the Asia-Europe, Transatlantic and Transpacific trades. The 2M agreement has a minimum term of 10 years with a 2-year notice period of termination. The two shipping giants noted that “much has changed” since the companies inked the deal in 2015. Discontinuing the 2M alliance paves the way for both companies to continue to pursue their individual strategies. Maersk and MSC noted that this announcement has no immediate impact on the services provided to customers using the 2M trades. It said each company’s customer teams would communicate with their respective clients to support during and beyond the phase-out of the 2M alliance.

alliance n. 联盟,结盟国家,联姻

美/əˈlaɪəns/ 英/əˈlaɪəns/


Tips:20世纪90年代以来,集装箱航运业供需矛盾日益尖锐,船公司为了增加挂靠港、拓展物流服务范围,纷纷走上了大规模联营道路,通过舱(箱)位互相协议、码头共享等形式进行联合经营。此前,九大船公司通过签署VSA协议组成了三大航运联盟,占据全球集装箱市场的80%。它们分别为:2M联盟——马士基航运、地中海航运;海洋联盟(Ocean Alliance)——中远海运、法国达飞、长荣海运、东方海外;THE联盟(THE Alliance)——赫伯罗特、海洋网联船务、现代商船、阳明海运。随着2M联盟正式宣布终止,其他航运联盟的命运与整个行业格局都势必迎来巨变。