
Samsung Heavy Industries is accelerating its transition to a 'Smart shipyard'

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-02-16 09:02:30 点击量: 885 来源:SHI

        韩国三星重工于2月2日宣布,将开发和应用基于数据的“全面综合监控系统(SYARD)”。据悉,该系统可以检查并控制造船过程(如工程、采购、施工)中产生的所有信息,它是一个搭载商业智能(Business Intelligence,BI)平台的经营管理系统,可以利用物联网(IoT)和人工智能(AI)将结构性和非结构性信息大数据化,并通过可视化连接与信息分析实时呈现。SYARD可以帮助人们根据数据做出最佳决策,从而有效地管理人力、材料和能源等经营资源。此外,它还能缩短生产周期,提前识别并消除风险。三星重工的目标是在今年实现运营总成本降低10%,并计划于2025年底前,将智能技术推广到船级社、合作伙伴和船东当中,构筑全产业链的“智能生态系统”。

    SHI said on 2 that it will develop and apply a data-based 'Company-wide Integrated Monitoring System (SYARD)' that can check and control all information generated in the entire shipbuilding process (EPC;Engineering, Procurement, Construction). SYARD is a business management system with a Business Intelligence platform that can make structured/unstructured data Big data using IoT and AI, and provide it in real time via visualizing connected and analyzed information. SYARD helps make optimal decision based on data, so that resources including manpower, materials and energy can be managed efficiently. It also reduces lead time and identifies risk factors in advance to eliminate them. SHI plans to achieve '10% improvement in total cost' within 23 years and expand smart technologies to classification society, partners, and customers by 2025 to build a 'smart ecosystem' throughout the supply chain.

lead n. 超前量 

美 /liːd/ 英 /liːd/

lead time 生产周期,前置时间:买方下订单到成品准备就绪(订单完成)的时间(一般固定不变)。

delivery time 交货时间:卖方收到订单到货物准备好交货的时间(经常改变)。

Tips:二者定义上区别不大,主要是角度不同。Lead time是买方根据订单完成所需的平均周期而确定的时间段;而Delivery time是卖方考虑实际生产可能出现计划变动而定下的时间点。由于备料、生产、检验等系列生产过程中计划变动,delivery time常会提前或推迟。