
Urgent need for change in ship recycling sector: 80% of ships scrapped on South Asian beaches

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-02-16 09:02:10 点击量: 1205 来源:Offshore Energy


       非政府组织拆船平台(NGO Shipbreaking Platform)的最新数据显示,2022年共有443艘远洋商船和海上平台被出售拆解。虽然去年全球报废船舶数量大幅下降,南亚拆船厂的营业额更是创下十多年来的历史新低,但那里仍旧是报废船舶的首选目的地,拆解了全球80%的报废船舶。该地区的拆船厂因环境问题严重和工作条件恶劣而臭名昭著,火灾、钢板坠落和有毒物质泄漏经常导致工人受伤甚至死亡。尽管有规范船舶回收的环境法和劳工法,但船东可以很容易规避这些法律……这些事实表明,船舶回收行业亟待改革,应寻找求更可持续的、更安全的船舶回收方法。

        A total of 443 ocean-going commercial ships and offshore units were sold for scrapping in 2022, data from NGO Shipbreaking Platform shows. The latest report from the platform shows that whilst the South Asian shipbreaking yards experienced the lowest turnover in over a decade, with a significant drop in terms of the number of ships scrapped, they remained the preferred destination for end-of-life vessels, dismantling 80% of the global end-of-life gross tonnage. Shipbreaking yards in the region are notorious for unsustainable and dangerous working conditions. Even though environmental and labour laws that regulate ship recycling exist, they are easily circumvented by ship owners. These facts show that the ship recycling industry urgently needs reform and should seek more sustainable and safer ship recycling methods.

recycle v. 回收利用;再利用 

美 /ˌri'saɪkl/ 英 /riː'saɪk(ə)l/


ship recycle 船舶回收
