EU confirmed the world's first green shipping fuels law
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-03-28 10:03:23 点击量: 1158 来源:Offshore Energy
3月23日,欧洲议会(European Parliament)和欧盟理事会(Council of the European Union)两大欧盟立法机构达成了有关FuelEU Maritime法规立法草案的临时协议。FuelEU Maritime 法规将强制船舶从2025年起使用绿色燃料,并于2028年对该立法进行审查。欧盟委员会表示,FuelEU Maritime对船用燃料的全生命周期(即从生产到使用)温室气体排放的强度设定了限制,以帮助航运业脱碳。欧洲运输与环境协会(T&E)表示,欧盟所有机构和成员国一致通过的FuelEU Maritime法规向潜在投资者和燃料供应商发出了强烈的信号,绿色航运燃料将开始被生产并使用。由于许多船舶无法直接实现电气化,电制燃料是航运业脱碳仅有的几个选择之一。
Following agreement by the European Parliament and Council on March 23, the FuelEU Maritime law will force shipping to use green fuels from 2025, with a review of the legislation due in 2028. “FuelEU Maritime will help decarbonise the maritime transport sector by setting maximum limits on the yearly greenhouse gas intensity of the energy used by a ship,” said the EC. The EU’s FuelEU Maritime law, agreed by all the EU bodies and member states, sends a strong signal to potential investors and fuel suppliers to start producing these green fuels for shipping, says T&E. E-fuels are one of the only options shipping has to decarbonize, where direct electrification for many vessels is not possible.
GHG (greenhouse gas) 温室气体
Tips:温室气体指大气中能吸收地面反射的长波辐射,并重新发射辐射的一些气体。它们的作用是使地球表面变得更暖,水汽(H₂O)、二氧化碳(CO₂)、氧化亚氮(N₂O)、氟利昂、甲烷(CH₄)等都是地球大气中主要的温室气体。国际航运业碳排放量超 10 亿吨,约占全球温室气体排放总量的3%。根据国际海事组织的预测,到本世纪中叶,如果船舶继续使用化石燃料,那么航运的温室气体排放将会继续增长50%-250%,最多可能占到世界温室气体总排放量的17%。