
ONE becomes joint-owner of Seaspan Corp in $11bn takeover

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-04-07 10:04:31 点击量: 1416 来源:Theloadstar

海洋网联船务(ONE)以109亿美元收购了全球最大独立集装箱船船东Seaspan母公司Atlas Corp的股份,成为Seaspan的主要股东。据一份公告显示,海洋网联船务(ONE)、Poseidon Acquisition公司及其合作伙伴共同参与了此次收购,其中ONE拥有28.7%的股份。国际航运咨询机构Alphaliner称,目前Seaspan集装箱船队规模为137艘,总运力约125万TEU,为大型集装箱班轮公司提供租船服务。如果不算非经营性船东(NOO),Seaspan运力排名全球第八,仅次于ONE的150万TEU。待手持订单(57艘)交付后,其总运力可提升69万TEU。

Japanese carrier Ocean Network Express (ONE) has become joint-owner of the world’s largest non-operating containership owner, Seaspan Corp, in a $10.9bn deal. In an announcement of the completion of the acquisition of Seaspan parent Atlas Corp, by Poseidon Acquisition Corp, ONE and partners, ONE said it now owned 28.7% of the now private company. According to Alphaliner, Seaspan has a fleet of 137 vessels, with a capacity of 1.25m TEU, which it leases to liner operators on long-term charters. Were it not a non-operating owner (NOO), it would rank eighth in the carrier league table, behind new joint-owner ONE’s 1.5m TEU. Moreover, Seaspan had a “massive” 57 ships on order that would provide a further 690,000 TEU.