Shipowners need to enhance energy efficiency by 55%-60% by 2030: UMAS
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-04-11 09:04:36 点击量: 1051 来源:Spglobal
英国UMAS海事咨询服务机构于4月5日发表报告称,为达到《巴黎协定》设定的气候目标,将全球平均气温较前工业化时期的上升幅度努力限制在 1.5℃以内,船东和海事监管机构应努力在2030年前大幅提高船队的能源效率,减少燃料消耗。隶属于伦敦大学学院(UCL)的UMAS在一项研究中发现,在从2020到2030的这十年间,全球船队的平均能效需要比2008年提高55%-60%,才可能实现2030年的减排目标。今年3月,行业组织——全球海事论坛(Global Maritime Forum)建议船东通过优化航速和航线,将燃油消耗降至最低。UMAS敦促船东在这十年内专注于发展氢及其衍生燃料的供应链,而非液化天然气燃料,因为只有这些合成燃料才能大幅减少温室气体的排放。
Shipowners and maritime regulators should aim for significant improvement in energy efficiency and cut fuel consumption by 2030 to align with the Paris Agreement’s climate goal to limit global warming above 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, maritime advisory service UMAS said April 5. In a study, UMAS — affiliated with the University College London — found the global fleet’s average efficiency would need to improve by 55%-60% from 2008 within this decade to meet the 2030 target. In March, industry group Global Maritime Forum also suggested shipowners can minimize fuel consumption by optimizing speeds and sailing routes. In its study, UMAS urged shipowners to focus on developing supply chains for hydrogen-derived fuels in this decade rather than for LNG bunkering — as only those synthetic fuels can lead to great GHG reduction.