
ITF secures freedom for 13 abandoned Filipino seafarers stuck in Singapore for 5 months; $1m in backpay won for crews

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-04-28 03:04:05 点击量: 1116 来源:Marineinsight

由于国际运输工人联盟(ITF)的积极介入,被遗弃的牲畜运输船——“长江和谐(Yangtze Harmony)”号上的13名菲律宾海员重获自由,他们在被困五个多月后终于回到了家。2022年10月,牲畜运输船“长江和谐”号因未支付燃油费在新加坡被扣留,香港船东翔和海运选择遗弃该船及其船员,并停止向船员支付工资。到今年4月,船员们已被拖欠429,972美元的工资。令人没想到的是,除了“长江和谐”号,同时被遗弃的还有其姊妹船“长江财富(Yangtze Fortune)”号:由于翔和海运拒绝对船舶进行紧急维修,澳大利亚联邦法院将该船扣押。ITF表示会帮助这两艘船上的43名船员追回被拖欠的100万美元工资及其回国的机票费。

Thirteen Filipino seafarers have made it home after more than five months aboard an abandoned livestock carrier ship, the Yangtze Harmony, thanks to the intervention of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). The ship’s owners abandoned the vessel and its crew after the ship was arrested in October 2022 in Singapore over an unpaid fuel bill, stopping paying the entire crew. By April, the crew were owed a massive USD $429,972. However,  what the ITF’s inspectors didn’t expect, however, was the company also abandoned the Yangtze Fortune (IMO 9336282) which was seized by the Australian Federal Court at Portland, Victoria over the owner’s refusal to make urgent repairs. The ITF’s months of advocacy would recover USD $1 million in backpay owed to the crew, as well as flights home and the feeling of freedom for every one of the 43 thankful seafarers.