Severe drought forces Panama Canal to impose shipping restrictions
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-05-30 10:05:20 点击量: 994 来源:Marineinsight
严重的干旱迫使巴拿马运河实施更加严格的航运限制,来往的集装箱船在通过运河时必须减轻装载并支付更高的费用,这意味着今年夏天通过该运河运输货物的成本将进一步上涨。据巴拿马运河管理局发言人Octavio Colindes表示,从5月24日开始,以新巴拿马型船舶为例,最大吃水从此前限制的45英尺调整到44.5英尺(13.56米)。5月30日,吃水深度限制将进一步提升至44英尺。虽然这看起来只是一个小变化,但它可能会使一些集装箱船的载货量减少40%。为应对运河限制,至少有四家海运公司宣布从6月1日起实施重量限制,或对每个集装箱征收300至500美元的费用。随着限制措施的增加,更多船公司可能会效仿。
A severe drought impacting the Panama Canal is compelling the container vessels to lighten loads and pay a higher rate, with further increases in the cost of shipping cargo via the canal expected this year in summer. Starting from 24 May, Neo-Panamax vessels — the largest vessels that transit the waterway — will be permitted drafts of up to 44.5 feet, down from an already restricted 45 feet, per the canal spokesman Octavio Colindres. The draft limit is going to decline to 44 feet on 30 May. While this seems to be a minor change, it could also translate to 40% less cargo regarding some containership. At least four ocean carriers have declared weight limits or imposed container fees ranging from $300 to $500 per box effective 1 June in response to the measures adopted by the canal’s measures. Additional carriers are likely to follow suit as these restrictions keep ramping up.