SEA-LNG: 液化天然气的全生命周期成本仅为甲醇和氨的一半

SEA-LNG: LNG has half the lifetime cost of methanol and ammonia

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-06-20 09:06:04 点击量: 1413 来源:Offshore Energy

行业联盟SEA-LNG发布的一份分析报告显示,液化天然气(LNG)在满足欧洲航运脱碳目标方面的全生命周期成本约为甲醇和氨的一半,其作为脱碳途径的成本优势明显。该分析以船用替代燃料的长期价格为基准,计算了一艘典型的新造集装箱船在符合FuelEU Maritime法规情况下的成本。SEA-LNG称,灰色氨和甲醇比液化天然气更不环保。使用液化天然气作为燃料,可以在不与其他低碳替代燃料混用的情况下实现减排目标,而甲醇和氨燃料则需要混用大量的绿色燃料才能符合法规要求,从而导致燃料成本增加。分析数据显示,与液化天然气相比,甲醇的全生命周期成本约为2.5倍,氨的全生命周期成本约为3.5倍。

LNG is projected to have roughly half the lifetime fuel costs compared to methanol and ammonia for meeting European decarbonization targets in shipping. This analysis, conducted by SEA-LNG, highlights the cost advantage of LNG as a pathway for decarbonization. The analysis considers long-term price benchmarks for alternative marine fuels and calculates the compliance costs with FuelEU Maritime regulations for a typical newbuild container vessel. SEA-LNG claims that grey ammonia and methanol are less environmentally friendly than LNG. Ship owners opting for LNG can achieve reduction targets without blending with low-carbon alternatives, while owners of methanol and ammonia-fueled vessels will require significant amounts of green fuel to comply with regulations, resulting in inflated fuel costs. The analysis indicates that the methanol pathway is about 2.5 times more expensive and the ammonia pathway is about 3.5 times more expensive than the LNG pathway.