
Industry’s first: Maersk ready to convert existing containership to methanol dual-fuel engine next year

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-06-29 09:06:28 点击量: 1146 来源:Offshore Energy

总部位于丹麦的航运巨头马士基宣布了一个具有开创性的项目,将对其现有集装箱船的动力系统进行甲醇双燃料改造。据悉,这是业内首次对船用甲醇双燃料发动机进行改造。该项目计划将于明年中期开始,预计在2027年进行的船舶特殊检验中对其他同等级船舶进行相同的改造。为此,马士基已与曼恩能源方案签署了发动机改造项目协议。更换发动机组件,使船舶能够将甲醇作为燃料,这已经是一项相当复杂的工程,但这仅仅是大型船舶改造过程中的一部分,马士基表示,还需要增加新的燃料舱、设置燃料准备室以及配备燃料供应系统等。马士基船队技术兼船舶改造项目负责人Ole Graa Jakobsen称:“第一艘船舶的改造已提上日程,同时,我们也在与各船厂进行商谈。”

Denmark-based shipping giant A.P. Moller – Maersk (Maersk) is ready to make pioneering moves in the shipping industry with the retrofit of an existing container ship to a dual-fuel methanol-powered vessel scheduled for 2024. The company revealed that the first engine retrofit in the industry is to be conducted in the middle of 2024, noting its intention to replicate on sister vessels when going for a special survey in 2027. Replacing engine parts and thereby making the engine able to operate on methanol is a rather complex task, but only a part of the larger retrofit operation. For instance, new fuel tanks, fuel preparation room and fuel supply system are also a part of the retrofitting the vessel for green methanol, according to Maersk. Ole Graa Jakobsen, Head of Fleet Technology who is responsible for the retrofit project at Maersk, explained that the detailed engineering for the first retrofit and discussions with potential yards are currently underway.