Panama Pledges to Purge More Substandard Ships From World’s Largest Registry
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-07-04 11:07:56 点击量: 1144 来源:gcaptain
在被列入巴黎谅解备忘录“灰名单”后,巴拿马海事局(AMP)于上周二表示,将继续清理其船队,以防止悬挂巴拿马国旗的船舶在接受港口国监督检查(PSC检查)时被扣留。巴黎备忘录由27个船旗国参与,是一份关于缔约国主管部门之间实施统一的PSC检查的正式协议,旨在评估船舶安全状况,防止海洋环境污染。灰名单介于船旗质量最优的“白名单”和质量最差的“黑名单”之间。AMP在一份声明中表示,巴拿马船舶登记处共约有8,500 艘船舶,已接受至少45,000 次检查,“船队整体合规率为96.17%,滞留率下降了3.83%。”AMP还称,巴拿马被列入“灰名单”可能是由于船队“老龄化”,并指出在过去三年报告的 374 起船舶扣留事件中,有104 起涉及船龄超过30 年的船舶,35起涉及船龄超过40年的船舶。
The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) said on Tuesday it would continue to clean up its fleet to prevent substandard Panama-flagged ships from being detained in foreign ports, a week after the country was to the “grey list” of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding(MOU). The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), an agreement among 27 countries establishing an international inspection regime for foreign ships in other nations’ ports, aiming to control ships’ safety and environmental standards.. Panama’s ships registry was last week added to the “grey list” of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), an agreement among 27 countries establishing an international inspection regime for foreign ships in other nations’ ports, aiming to control ships’ safety and environmental standards. The grey list includes fleets with acceptable compliance levels but low detention rates. In a statement, the AMP said that Panama’s registry, which numbers at some 8,500 vessels, had been inspected at least 45,000 times, giving “an overall fleet compliance level of 96.17% and a detention rate of 3.83% downward.” Panama’s inclusion on the watch list could be due to an aging fleet, the AMP said, noting that of 374 detentions reported in the last three years, 104 of the detentions involved ships more than 30 years old and 35 were of ships over 40 years old.