Yara Marine, partners test AI-based semi-autonomous voyage planning system
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-07-11 09:07:39 点击量: 1136 来源:Offshore Energy
雅苒海洋技术与人工智能(AI)应用开发商Molflow、查尔姆斯理工大学以及来自哈尔姆斯塔德大学和哥德堡大学的社会科学家合作,开发并测试了一个基于AI的船舶半自动航线规划系统。这一名为Via Kaizen的项目已开展了三年,旨在利用人工智能及其学习能力更好地为船舶运营商设计航线。相关合作伙伴表示,这个项目能够增强行业对大数据、数据分析以及模型开发等的认识,帮助他们更好地利用数字技术实施低排放发展战略,实现船舶燃油效率最大化。此前,该半自动航线规划系统在欧洲联合汽车运输公司(UECC)的一艘汽车运输船(PCTC)和挪威船东Rederiet Stenersen的一艘成品油船上进行了测试,其广泛的结果表明,系统根据船舶预计到达时间(ETA)成功优化了航线,提高了船舶能效。
Maritime technology company Yara Marine Technologies, artificial intelligence (AI)application developers Molflow, and Chalmers University of Technology and social science specialists from Halmstad University and Gothenburg University have collaborated to develop and trial an AI-based semi-autonomous voyage planning system. The Via Kaizen project aims to help ship operators achieve more energy-efficient voyage planning. Yara Marine Technology and its partners have been deeply involved in this project for over three years. "The Via Kaizen project afforded an invaluable opportunity to explore and advance industry understandings of the role big data, data handling and model development can play in supporting lower emission strategies and maximized fuel efficiencies." The partners of Yara Marine Technology, said. The resulting system was trialed onboard two vessels, a PCTC car carrier operated by UECC and a Rederiet Stenersen product tanker. The wide-ranging results indicated successful energy efficiency optimization based on estimated time of arrival (ETA).