Shipping’s EU ETS bill could reach over €8 billion in 2026, Hecla warns
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-07-19 04:07:55 点击量: 1062 来源:Offshore Energy
欧盟的监控、报告和验证机制MRV机制要求所有5,000总吨以上的船舶收集并报告进出欧盟和欧洲经济区(EEA)港口的二氧化碳排放数据,并以此作为船舶自2024年1月1日起加入欧盟碳排放交易体系(EU ETS)的基础。EU ETS相关服务提供商Hecla Emissions Management透露,2022年,航运业的ETS相关总排放量为8,340万公吨二氧化碳当量(tCO2e),相比2021年小幅减少0.22%。按照每个碳排放配限额(EUA)90欧元的现行市价计算,2022年航运业排放量总价值为75亿欧元。由于ETS采取分阶段覆盖的实施,即2024年涵盖总排放量的40%、2025年为70%、2026年为100%。结合EUA远期曲线,该公司预测航运业在2024年、2025年和2026年可能要分别承担高达31亿欧元、57亿欧元和84亿欧元的费用。
The European Union’s Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (EU MRV) regulation requires all ships exceeding 5,000 gross tons to collect and report data on CO2 emissions released to and from EU and EEA ports and will serve as the basis for shipping’s inclusion in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) from 1 January 2024. Hecla Emissions Management has revealed that total ETS-applicable emissions for the maritime industry amounted to 83.4 million metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e) in 2022, a modest decrease of 0.22% from 2021. At the current market value of €90 per emissions allowance (EUA), shipping emissions carried a total worth of €7.5 billion for the year. Taking into account the ETS phase-in period covering 40% of emissions in 2024, 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026, and utilizing the forward curve in EUAs, the estimates indicate that the shipping industry could be liable for €3.1 billion in 2024, €5.7 billion in 2025 and €8.4 billion in 2026, according to Hecla.