COSCO SHIPPING Development launches 700TEU electric container ship
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-08-08 03:08:57 点击量: 1585 来源:COSCO
7月26日,中远海运发展股份有限公司的700 TEU纯电动力系列集装箱船首制船(N997),在扬州中远海运重工1号船坞顺利下水。据了解,这是世界上第一艘大型纯电池动力集装箱船,每行驶100海里可节约燃油3.9吨,减少二氧化碳排放12.4吨,节约能耗费用约3.35万元。该船总长119.8米,型宽23.6米,能配装36个可更换的船用集装箱式电池,相当于800多辆新能源汽车的载电量。中远集团表示,700TEU电动集装箱船顺利下水,标志着纯电池动力船舶在内河领域应用的一次重要突破。此外,中远海运发展的第二艘700TEU电动集装箱船(N998)已于今年5月进坞搭建。
On July 26th, COSCO Shipping Development’s 700 TEU electric container vessel (N997) has been launched at COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Industry (Yangzhou). It is reported that the 700 TEU electric container ship is the world’s first large all-battery container ship, which can save 3900kg of fuel per 100 nautical miles so as to have reduced 12.4 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, and saved approximately 33500 yuan in energy costs. The ship has a length of 119.8 meters and a width of 23.6 meters, equipped with 36 replaceable container batteries as power sources, equivalent to the carrying capacity of over 800 new energy vehicles. COSCO says the launch marks a significant advancement in the adoption of fully battery-powered vessels in inland waterways. The company has started constructing the second 700 TEU electric container vessel (N998) in May 2023.
draught n. 吃水深度
英 /drɑːft/ 美 /drɑft/
“Draught”源于古北欧语 dráttr,意义为"拉或拖的行为;一次饮用的液体量"。draught和draft本质上是同一个词,但draft能更准确地代表其现代英语发音。
designed draft 设计吃水
吃水指船舶浸在水里的深度,即船舶的底部至船体与水面相连处的垂直距离。吃水的大小不仅取决于船舶和船载所有物品(货物、压载物、燃料和备件)的重量,而且与船舶所处水的密度有关,往往通过读取标在船首和船尾的水尺,即Draught marks,确定船舶的吃水。船体的吃水深度越大,表明船舶载货的能力越大。
keel n. 龙骨;平底船;龙骨脊
英 /kiːl/ 美 /kil/
"Keel"源自日耳曼语 kjǫlr,意义为"船或小艇的最低和主要木材"。
keel line 龙骨线;艏艉线