
Seafarers face uphill battle as Happiness Index shows continued decline in Q2 2023

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-08-15 11:08:58 点击量: 629 来源:Marineinsight

 海员慈善组织The Mission to Seafarers发布的2023年第二季度船员幸福指数(SHI)报告显示,船员的总体幸福感显著下降,从上季度的7.1跌至6.77(满分10分)。在调查问卷涉及到的所有细分领域中,幸福指数均出现了下降,其中降幅最大的为船员总体幸福感、上岸休假以及工作压力,约为8%;此外,值得注意的是,与往年相比,今年船员的幸福水平从未有过回升。报告还指出,尽管新冠疫情已基本结束,但船员在船期间的工作和生活条件很难恢复到疫情前的水平,船员依然面临着重大挑战:船员换班延迟、船上工作时间延长和薪酬下降,这些问题都导致了情况的恶化。

The Mission to Seafarers has published the latest Seafarers Happiness Index(SHI)report for Quarter 2, 2023, revealing a notable decline in overall happiness, an overall fall in seafarer happiness from 7.1/10 to 6.77/10, compared to Q1 2023. In Q2 2023, happiness levels declined across all question areas, with the most significant drops observed in general crew happiness, shore leave, and workload, showing an approximate 8% decrease. In another marked contrast to previous years, happiness levels have not risen over the course of the calendar year. Despite emerging from the pandemic, returning to pre-COVID conditions for seafarers has been difficult. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed significant challenges for seafarers, including crew change delays, extended time on board, and declining wages, leading to worsened working conditions.