
Advancing Maritime Decarbonization: Latest Successful Biofuel Trial in Green Fuel Supply Chain

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-08-22 11:08:39 点击量: 855 来源:Gcaptain

全球海事脱碳中心(GCMD)宣布其最新的生物燃料供应链试验取得了成功。此次试验在一艘名为“Kaupang”的中型液化气船上进行,测试了一种由氢化植物油(HVO)和船用柴油(MGO)组成的生物混合燃料,将其作为该船LPG双燃料发动机的引燃燃料。GCMD表示,此次试验中使用的氢化植物油(HVO)的全生命周期碳排放量为16 gCO2e/MJ,比化石来源的船用柴油(MGO)减少了83%;与此前使用超低硫燃料油(VLSFO)作为引燃燃料相比,“Kaupang”号的碳排放量净减少了20%。GCMD首席技术官Sanjay Kuttan博士称,使用生物混合燃料和液化石油气是船舶满足最近修订的国际海事组织(IMO)2030年指示性脱碳校核点的可行途径。

The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) has announced its latest successful biofuel supply chain trial. This latest trial involved a biofuel blend of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and marine gas oil (MGO) as pilot fuel for LPG propulsion in a mid-sized gas carrier equipped with an LPG dual-fuel engine. GCMD said the HVO used in this trial has a well-to-wake emissions of 16 gCO2e/MJ, translating to an 83% reduction in emissions compared to using fossil MGO, and the trial demonstrated a 20% net reduction in emissions compared to the Kaupang sailing on VLSFO. Dr Sanjay Kuttan, Chief Technology Officer of GCMD said, using a biofuel blend with LPG can be a feasible pathway for ships to meet the recently revised IMO indicative decarbonisation checkpoint for 2030.